Julie Pickren
Texas State Board of Education District 7
(832) 725-1046 Phone Number
julie4sboe@gmail.com Email Address
https://juliepickren.com/ Website Address
Business Owner
P.O. Box 106-7, 3422 Business Center Dr., Pearland, TX, 77584
Additional Information
First elected to the State Board of Education in 2022. Current term expires January 2027. This race will not be on the ballot in 2024.Related Blog Posts
Candidate Survey Responses
1. If elected, what do you believe your primary role and responsibility as a state board member should be?
Set standards for academic excellence, responsibly manage The Permanent School Fund, and adopt textbooks that uphold Texas Values.
2. In your opinion, what is the most pressing issue facing public education in Texas?
Providing support for teachers. Our system of education is designed for teachers to have support within the district, from parents, and from community stakeholders. Because of Covid we have seen many of these relationships severed. We need to work together to build relationships back and bring all of our teacher supports back to campuses. Also, we need to protect our teachers from politics in the classroom. There are incredible performance gaps in education and we need to focus on the basics of education in order for our children to catch up.
3. What role should educators and educator groups such as ATPE play in policy decisions made by the State Board of Education (SBOE)?
ATPE will have an open door policy with me. I have worked with ATPE as a School Board Trustee for many years and I know ATPE leadership and educators genuinely want what is best for children and education in Texas.
4. How much weight should the SBOE give to educators’ input when it comes to setting curriculum standards (known as the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills or “TEKS”) and evaluating instructional materials?
As a School Board Trustee for many years I am comfortable with setting excellent standards for education. However, I have assembled a group of retired educators from across the state to advise me on setting TEKS and evaluating instructional material.
5. Do you believe our state’s public education system, including current regulations on testing and accountability, graduation requirements, and curriculum standards, enables students to receive a well-rounded education throughout all grade levels? Would you recommend any changes?
We must do away with STAAR testing. Because of all of the strings attached to STAAR, too many schools are teaching to the test and it is putting our teachers under tremendous amounts of stress. Teachers want to educate their children, not teach a test.
6. What role, if any, should charter schools have in the Texas public education system?
We need to bring school choice, charter schools, to poor areas where public schools are failing. It is unacceptable for a poor child to be locked into a school with an 80% graduation rate or an elementary school where 60% of the children can not read on a 3rd grade reading level. All children deserve an equal opportunity education so they can achieve their American Dream.
7. What role should the SBOE play in overseeing charter schools, such as approving or denying new charter applications and expansion requests of existing charters?
SBOE should have full contriol over every charter application and expansion.
8. Do you believe the SBOE should continue to have the authority to review and potentially veto any rulemaking actions taken by the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC)?
Additional Comments from Candidate on Survey
I have been a School Board Trustee for many years and teachers have always been a top priority for me. I have served, hired, and employed over 3,000 teachers. I am proud that 83% of my M&O Budget is directly tied to the classroom which is one of the highest percentages in Texas. Also, I am proud that under my leadership, teachers starting pay was over $62,000 year with full benefits, again one of the highest in Texas. God Bless Teachers! God Bless Texas!