Take Action

Legislative resources
Texas Legislature Online
Track legislation, read bill text, and more.
Texas House of Representatives
State representatives are elected to two-year terms.
Texas State Senate
State senators are elected to staggered four-year terms.
ATPE resources
ATPE's Advocacy Central
ATPE members can use this tool to communicate quickly and easily with their elected officials. Member login on the ATPE website is required to access Advocacy Central. Call ATPE Membership at (800) 777-2873 if you need assistance accessing your member account.
ATPE Legislative Program
The ATPE Legislative Program is the foundation of ATPE's advocacy efforts. This member-written document is approved each year by the ATPE House of Delegates.
ATPE's Legislative Priorities
Take a look at ATPE's priorities for the 87th legislative session in 2021.
ATPE's Highlights of the 86th Legislative Session
Read our synopsis of what happened during the 2019 legislative session, compiled by ATPE's lobbyists for Teach the Vote in May 2019.
Voter education sites
Visit this page hosted by the Texas Secretary of State to find out when and where to vote, check your voter registration status, learn about photo ID requirements for voting, and more.
Online voter registration application
Complete this online application, and then print it and mail it to your county voter registrar.
League of Women Voters of Texas
The League of Women Voters of Texas is a nonpartisan, grassroots civic organization that encourages informed and active participation in government.
Enter your address at this nonpartisan website to find your polling place, view an online voters' guide, and build out a printable custom ballot that you can take with you to the polls on Election Day.
Texas Educators Vote Coalition
Take an oath to support public education with your votes. View nonpartisan guidelines for educators on participating in elections and find links to additional election resources. Sponsored by the Texas Educators Vote coalition that includes ATPE, the Texas Association of Community Schools, the Texas Rural Education Association, Pastors for Texas Children, the League of Women Voters, the Texas Association of School Boards, and many more.
Other links
Texas Parent PAC
Texas Parent PAC is a bipartisan political action committee supporting high-quality public education. Find Parent PAC-endorsed candidates who support public education on this website.
Friends of Texas Public Schools (FOTPS)
FOTPS seeks to dispel the myth of widespread failure in Texas' public schools by sharing information about the untold success stories and accomplishments of students, teachers, and administrators. The group hopes to encourage teachers to join and remain in the profession and assist parents and others to get involved with the public schools in their community.
Texans for Public Education
T4PE is a grassroots educators' group that researches and rates candidates based on their stances toward public schools. The group offers block voting recommendations that are bipartisan and based on public education issues.