Staci Childs
Texas State Board of Education District 4
(404) 376-1451 Phone Number
attorneystaci@gmail.com Email Address
http://stacifortexas.com Website Address
405 Main Street Suit 450, Houston, TX, 77002
Additional Information
First elected to represent SBOE District 4 in 2022. Current term expires January 2029.Endorsed by the editorial board of the Houston Chronicle in the 2022 Democratic primary election and in the May 2022 Democratic primary runoff election.
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Candidate Survey Responses
BELOW ARE THE CANDIDATE'S RESPONSES TO THE 2022 ATPE CANDIDATE SURVEY:1. If elected, what do you believe your primary role and responsibility as a state board member should be?
I believe my primary role would be to ensure that the curriculum standards chosen accurately reflect what students ought to be learning, that my review of charter school applications is fair, that the graduation standards are rigorous but take all potential graduates in mind, and that textbooks and other materials we adopt for students is culturally relevant, interesting, and creative.
2. In your opinion, what is the most pressing issue facing public education in Texas?
To me, the most pressing issue facing public education in Texas is providing learning standards and a learning experience that considers ALL students including students with disabilities, students of color, and students that are facing different home situations.
3. What role should educators and educator groups such as ATPE play in policy decisions made by the State Board of Education (SBOE)?
Groups should as ATPE should make sure educators' voices are amplified and heard and that they feel protected while trying to complete their jobs. Groups such as ATPE should bolster the concerns their educators have so they won' fall on deaf ears.
4. How much weight should the SBOE give to educators’ input when it comes to setting curriculum standards (known as the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills or “TEKS”) and evaluating instructional materials?
It seems simple, but educators should be given the majority of the weight! As a teacher, I felt like the TEKS were just handed down to me and I had no choice in what to teach--but I better had done it! Educators are the ones who have first hand knowledge of the students struggles, concerns, and gaps in learning, therefore, it would make sense if they played more of a role in what they were learning.
5. Do you believe our state’s public education system, including current regulations on testing and accountability, graduation requirements, and curriculum standards, enables students to receive a well-rounded education throughout all grade levels? Would you recommend any changes?
Texas does a generally good job with the public education system, however, I think to provide a more wellrounded education, things like financial literacy, history, and culture should have a stronger weight in the curriculum system. Students should leave 12th grade knowing about credit, taxes, how to purchase a home, how to run an online business (if they'd like), cryptocurrency, etc.
6. What role, if any, should charter schools have in the Texas public education system?
Charter schools play a role in providing unique educational experiences for students. They should work together, with public schools, to provide optimum education for students in any given community.
7. What role should the SBOE play in overseeing charter schools, such as approving or denying new charter applications and expansion requests of existing charters?
The SBOE should continue to oversee charter schools and require applicants to do a thorough assessment of the community in which they plan to serve. The SBOE should support charter school applicants through the process, and also be liaisons between charter and public schools to make sure they work hand and hand to provide all kids in a given neighborhood with an optimum educational experience.
8. Do you believe the SBOE should continue to have the authority to review and potentially veto any rulemaking actions taken by the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC)?
Yes. It contributes to a strong balance of power. The SBOE is comprised of people that are elected by the people, therefore, I feel i appropriate.
Additional Comments from Candidate on Survey
Thank you for this opportunity! I understand I am the youngest candidate, but I am indeed ready to serve!