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More than 1,200 rally for Texas public schools

Teach the Vote
Teach the Vote

Date Posted: 2/25/2025 | Author: ATPE State Vice President Jerrica Holt

Save-Texas-Schools.jpgOn Saturday, Feb. 22, I was among the more than 1,200 friends of Texas public education gathered near the Capitol to support Save Texas Schools. Everyone from student groups to superintendents, teachers, school board members, parents, teacher organizations, U.S. representatives, and pastors rallied together, protesting Gov. Greg Abbott's push to dismantle and defund our public education system. Everyone who took the stage shared a message of encouragement. Each was welcomed and supported with loud cheers of approval from the audience.

I was honored to represent ATPE at the rally, which we co-sponsored. Here are my remarks:

"Good afternoon! My name is Jerrica Holt, and I bring greetings to you from the Association of Texas Professional Educators, where I am the vice president. We are the largest educator organization in the state, representing more than 70,000 professionals. While I am one, I speak for many!

“So, let's talk about the need to increase public education funding and educator compensation.

“Simply put, public dollars belong in public schools for the learning of public school students who are taught by public school teachers. Our schools meet the state's constitutional mandate to deliver a valid and reliable education to all students, regardless of their learning challenges or strengths.

“How do we know this? We adopt a state-approved curriculum and administer the state-adopted test, STAAR. Those two reasons should be enough for our leaders to increase public education funding.

“Texas schools need to be fully funded. Those dollars do not belong in an education savings account. They belong in the public schools where parents have chosen to send their children.

“Why do we say ‘no’ to vouchers as it relates to public education? Voucher programs do not meet the required learning outcomes for ALL students. All students can attend public school, regardless of socio-economic background, religious background, special education needs, gifted and talented needs, or even emerging bilingual needs. In a public school, we take them all, and we teach them all. It is only constitutionally right to provide adequate funding for public education.

“Let me say that again: ALL STUDENTS CAN ATTEND A PUBLIC SCHOOL. However, all students cannot be gifted an educational savings account.

“So why is the teacher pay increase so important right now? Let me remind you of what we already know:

1. Teacher Shortages: Numerous districts throughout the state are experiencing teacher shortages as educators are leaving the field due to inadequate compensation and excessive workloads. A salary increase will aid in retaining veteran educators as well as strengthen the new teacher pipeline.
2. Cost of Living Increases: Rising costs, in absolutely everything, prevent teachers from sustaining their livelihoods on their existing pay. Many educators have a second job, some even have three to four part-time jobs on top of their full-time job just to make ends meet. And then there is …

3. Declining Morale and Burnout: Yes, we are tired. Yes, we are tired of the insults. Yes, we are tired of this same fight session after session. A pay raise would acknowledge our commitment to the profession and increase our level of job satisfaction.

“What we also know is Gov. Abbott isn't here listening to our cries. But we are!

“He will hear us if we elect leaders for ALL students and not one who votes against our children’s right to have a fully funded education. Not one who ignores public school students and resents the degreed and certified educators who TEACH students—who belong to the parents who made the choice to send their children to public school. So, what's next? I encourage each of you to contact your representatives and tell them that what is being proposed is absolutely ridiculous and unlawful.

“ATPE offers a resource for all of you: TeachtheVote.atpe.org.

“Here, you can type in your ZIP code and find your representatives' contact information and prior voting stances on public education. This site also contains hot-off-the-press legislative updates so you can stay informed and know how to take action.

“This is our state, these are our students, these are our educators, and this is Texas public education. We may be tired, but we will continue coming together to Save Texas Schools.”

Mark your calendar for the next Save Texas Schools rally, April 5 at the State Capitol.



Carolyn Love

Very informative. I liked the line "we accept all students and teach all."

Glenn Pruitt

Very well spoken, friend. Way to put into words the feelings of frustration we public school teachers experience everyday!

Jerrica Holt

Alone, we can do so little. Together, we can do so much!

Jason Forbis

Amazing job, Jerrica. Thanks for representing us well!

Eddie Hill

Extremely well said, Jerrica! It is such a shame that we have so many people “in charge” of Texas education that do not understand what our students and true educators experience, Diane and day out year after year. Keep up the great work and keep making ATPE the greatest teacher organization ever!

Jayne Serna

Excellent words, Jerrica!! Thank you for representing us all so well!!

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