Senate committee discusses potential for "performance-based" funding of public schools

Date Posted: 8/04/2016
ATPE Lobbyists Monty Exter and Kate Kuhlmann provided this report for Teach the Vote. The Senate education committee met yesterday, Aug. 5, to discuss the following two interim charges that the committee is expected to study and report on prior to the legislature's reconvening in January:
- Conduct a comprehensive performance review of all public schools in Texas, examining ways to improve efficiency, productivity, and student academic outcomes. Study performance-based funding mechanisms that allocate dollars based upon achievement versus attendance. Identify any state mandates which hinder student performance, district and campus innovation, and efficiency and productivity overall.
- Examine the structure and performance of the two remaining county-based school systems, Harris County Department of Education and Dallas County Schools. In particular, study the efficiency of these entities and determine whether those services are duplicative with education service centers or could be absorbed by education service centers.


Subcommittee on Academic and Career-Oriented Education hears first two bills
ATPE-supported HB 120 would expand CTE (one of the governor’s emergency items), and HB 20 would establish an Applied Sciences Pathway Program.

Senate bills flying out of education, criminal justice, and finance committees
Catch up on ATPE’s testimony, both written and in person, on bills related to the Ten Commandments, parental access to library materials, virtual education, and more.

Teach the Vote’s Week in Review: Feb. 28, 2025
Senate unanimously passes SB 26, its vision for teacher pay, on to House while both chambers’ education committees heat up. Plus, fact-check the fact-checkers on vouchers in the latest ATPE Podcast.