Congress votes to repeal GPO and WEP

Date Posted: 12/20/2024 | Author: David Pore
On Friday, the U.S. Senate passed House Resolution (H.R.) 82, the Social Security Fairness Act, by a vote of 76 to 20. H.R. 82 permanently repeals the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) from federal law on Social Security. The House passed the bill by a wide margin Nov. 12, and President Joe Biden is expected to sign the bill into law in the coming days. Passage of this landmark legislation is the culmination of decades of advocacy by you, the members of ATPE, along with those of dozens of other organizations representing active and retired teachers, firefighters, police officers, and other public servants.
Since 1983, the GPO and WEP have arbitrarily and unfairly reduced the Social Security benefits of millions of Americans engaged in some of the noblest of professions simply because of the government pensions they have earned through their service. Those in our society who answer a calling to teach our children, police our streets, fight our fires, or otherwise undertake public service careers are far too often underpaid and underappreciated, and they should not be penalized in retirement but rather thanked, appreciated, and assured that they will not live out their retirement in financial distress. Eliminating the GPO and WEP will result in an immediate increase in Social Security benefits for millions of these American heroes who have been subject to these penalties, including spousal and widow benefits reduced or eliminated by the GPO and earned benefits directly reduced by the WEP.
Some in Congress opposed this legislation because of its cost to the Social Security trust fund. ATPE rejects those criticisms and asserts that your service as a public educator, the extra hours worked, the clubs sponsored, the supplies paid for with personal funds from salaries that often do not reflect your experience and training, and the difficulty of the critical role you play in the lives of our children, warrant a Social Security benefit that recognizes those factors rather than penalizes you because of them. ATPE thanks the members of the U.S. House and Senate, including those in the Texas delegation, who supported this legislation—and all the other organizations, especially the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA), that have worked tirelessly with us and with you to make this historic day possible.
Passage of the Social Security Fairness Act underscores the importance and value of advocacy for the causes you believe in, even if it takes decades or more. We thank you and congratulate you, ATPE members—you EARNED this win, and you EARNED these benefits!

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I am so thankful for the efforts by ATPE and ourTRTA leaders for these many years to get this done! It will make a difference.
Hi I was wondering when President Biden was going to sign the new provision giving people their amount due for Social Security.? Could it be delayed because of Jimmy Carters death? Hopefully for all he will sign it soon. Thank you for all the hard work in getting it passed.
Thanks for all the work put into getting this done. I am not surprised Cruz voted against it. In fact I am surprised Cornyn voted for it as he replied back to me he wouldn''t because of the cost to the system. Fire Fighters and police also worked to get it done, as it affected them. I didn''t think this would happen as my ss has been reduced.
I can’t believe Cruz voted against it.. very disappointing.. I. Did email him regarding this - no response.
I received a notification through an organization where I signed a petition for this repeal that the bill is scheduled to be signed at 10AM on Monday, January 6th, and I am assuming that would be Washington DC time.
How long does President Biden have to sign this bill. It’s been 10 days and still no signature. I am very concerned about when he will sign it. Also Cornyn voted for it. Cruz wanted an amendment added and when that didn’t pass he did not vote for the bill which to me is odd since he go sponsored a similar bill about 5 years ago that died in committee, plus I had visited and called his office several times and he was in support of it at that time. Not sure what happened.
Thank you David and to everyone who worked tirelessly to make this happen. Way to go! P.S. Do we need to send more correspondence to get Biden to sign?
Please keep us up to date on this legislation. PLEASE let us know when the President signs it into law, when it will begin, whether it will be grandfathered for those already drawing retirement, and any other frequently asked questions. Thank you, thank you, thank you ! ! !
Please update,signing of Social Security Fairness Act, by President Biden?
I already receive the reduced amount from SS bc of teacher retirement. Will I qualify for the correct amount of my SS now ?
So how does that play out? And when does it take effect and will those already retired get the benefit restored
Thank you for the work completed and the advocacy required to get this repealed!
Thank you!
Does this grandfather back to those of us that worked outside of education years ago? Or does it start fresh with those who have worked this year and forward only?
Many, many thanks for your persistence and diligence on our behalves!
Kudos to those of us who worked arduously to attain "victory" to repeal the Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision from federal law on Social Security! We "the people" as tax payers should not be ignored by the government.
Thank you! Note: Ted Cruz voted against to repeal.
Thank you so much! I never thought I’d live to see the day that these 2 terrible provisions would be repealed. Retirement life looks brighter now.
Can I now qualify for my ex husband’s spousal support that I was denied due to my pension?
Thank you so much to everyone involved in this! It will help so many of us who have paid in but were unable to claim their or their spouses benefits! I have been waiting for this!
Thank you! At 71, I’m still working, since I cannot survive financially without my late husband’s benefits. Now I can at least slow down! So grateful for everyone’s involvement and persistence.
Finally justice has won. I felt cheated because I couldn’t get full survivor benefits from my deceased husband’s social security benefits. Money he paid into it for at least 30 years. It was taken from me when I needed it most. Thank God this unfair bill has been repealed.
I am so thankful for this! I lost my husband last year along with $526 for widows pension. I have worked 2 & 3 jobs to make ends meet. I enjoy working in the schools, but I have felt I am being punished by having my widows pension taken away! I am 83 years old & maybe now I can cut back on working so much the few years I have left! Thank all of you who are making this possible!
Yea! Thanks to all who sent letters and calls and those that have worked tirelessly to see this repeal come about! I never thought it would happen but grateful that is has. Now how long does the president have to sign off? Any idea how long it will take to see our SS benefits increase?
Finally. As a public school teacher who paid into SS for 35 years before switching to teaching through an alternative program, I was outraged to learn I would be penalized for becoming a teacher when I eventually retire.
Thank you for the support. I have been pulling g for this since the 80s.
Where can we find the details of this? For example, wondering if I’m eligible to get social security if I’m working after age 65.
Thank you for helping us to get the money back that we paid in! This is great news!
Such an exciting way to finish the semester!
Yay! Thank you ATPE and all the others who worked so hard to pass this. It means I will actually be able to retire since I will not lose my Survivor benefits ftom6my husband!
We all need to be profusely thanking our representatives and Senator John Cornyn for their support of this bill, and lest we not forget those who opposed the bill when they seek our support for re-election! Our fate now lays in the hands of President Joe Biden, who needs to be encouraged and, ultimately thanked, for signIng this bill to repeal WEP and GPO!
Thank you for your work on this repeal and for the excellent explanations.
Thank you!!! I would have not been able to live on my Teacher Reitrement if my husband passed away!!!
Thank YOU, David, and SO many others who have tirelessly worked on this for 20 years. This is a huge lesson to all of us that grassroots advocacy is a VERY long game and it WORKS!!!