ATPE’s Priorities for the 89th Texas Legislature

Date Posted: 1/13/2025
The Texas Legislature convenes Tuesday for its 89th regular session, so for the next 140 days lawmakers will debate issues affecting many aspects of life in Texas. Chief among these issues is public education, with Gov. Greg Abbott (R) and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) emboldened following a blistering election cycle in which they were able to use out-of-state millions to oust pro-public education Republican incumbents who had previously thwarted their plans to implement a private school voucher program.
With that political climate in mind, ATPE Governmental Relations has examined member feedback to derive a focused set of priority recommendations for lawmakers. The priorities are rooted in the ATPE Legislative Program, the comprehensive member-written list of education policy positions adopted annually by the ATPE House of Delegates.
ATPE’s 2025 legislative priorities are:
- Increase Public Education Funding and Educator Compensation: ATPE urges the Texas Legislature to meet its constitutional duty and fund public schools at levels that meet student needs and allow our public schools to comply with state and federal mandates. The Legislature should increase school funding and index it to inflation to ensure students are adequately supported both now and into the future. Funding must provide meaningful increases in all aspects of teacher compensation, including salaries, healthcare, and retirement benefits.
- Strengthen the Teacher Pipeline: Ensuring students have access to educators who are well prepared and well supported is key to student success. As such, ATPE recommends limiting exemptions from teacher certification laws. ATPE further recommends the Legislature provide grant funding for school districts to assist noncertified teachers to obtain certification in a timely fashion.
- Improve Working Conditions: ATPE recommends the Legislature strengthen school disciplinary laws to empower educators to provide a safe learning environment. School districts should be positioned to establish local policies governing the responsible use of technology, such as cell phones, computers, and artificial intelligence. The Legislature should strengthen the mental health support available to both students and staff, enact measures that protect teachers’ conference and planning time, and support initiatives that promote the positive impact of public school educators on the lives of their students and the future of Texas.
- Protect the State’s Educational Safety Net: ATPE urges the Legislature to consider the substantial pitfalls of creating a taxpayer-funded entitlement for private schools, including the experiences of other states where vouchers have proven to be costly and, in some cases, budget-busting programs unpopular with voters. A Texas voucher entitlement could easily amount to over $7 billion annually. Any voucher should be considered as standalone legislation and not be tied to public school funding or teacher compensation. The Legislature should prioritize funding for traditional school districts, the state’s educational safety net, now and into the future, over private educational pathways.
How can you help advocate for ATPE’s legislative priorities?
ATPE’s, our advocacy blog and voter education website, is your go-to source for the latest Texas public education news, both during the legislative session and during the interim. Between now and sine die—the last day of the regular legislative session—on June 2, ATPE members have many opportunities help advocate for ATPE’s legislative priorities:
- ATPE’s Advocacy Central is an online tool you can easily use to communicate with state (and federal) lawmakers about the issues that matter most to you, including ATPE’s legislative priorities. Visit to participate in advocacy campaigns pre-established by ATPE Governmental Relations, or use the tool to send your own messages. We will also send members alerts when their action is critical at key junctures in the session.
- The ATPE Member Advocate Program (ATPE-MAP) is a brand-new member benefit that empowers you to become a stronger advocate for public schools both locally and at the state level. ATPE-MAP will allow you to earn three hours of continuing professional education (CPE) credit as well as the ATPE Member Advocate Program Microcredential with either a Local Advocacy or State-Level Advocacy focus. You can also earn both microcredentials, if you like, which also means you’ll earn additional CPE credit. Those who complete the state-level microcredential unlock the ability to attend Capitol Expeditions, which are replacing ATPE at the Capitol/Lobby Day starting with this legislative session. Learn more about ATPE-MAP and enroll today.

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I agree with ATPE''s 2025 legislative priorities. Vouchers will not benefit all students in Texas schools and should be tabled until a fair and equitable plan can be created so that all students will have equal benefits from vouchers, not just those who come from backgrounds where cost is not a deterent for those who come from a poorer back ground.
I agree with the ATPE’s 2025 legislative priorities, especially the educational vouchers. Vouchers will only benefit those who can afford to pay private school tuition. If a voucher system is approved, then increase funding for the traditional public school districts and have the private schools abide by the same rules (special education/dyslexia testing and services, STAAR, EOC, TELPAS, State/ Federal, & TEA accountability, etc…) the traditional public schools must follow.