TEA submits ESSA plan for review

TEA | Commissioner | SBOE
Date Posted: 9/27/2017
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) submitted Texas's final plan to satisfy the new federal education law, the Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA), on Monday. Submission of the plan triggered a 120-day window for the U.S. Department of Education (ED) to review Texas's proposal, a process that includes conducting a peer review and an evaluation by ED staff, primarily to ensure our state's compliance with statutory requirements.
ATPE weighed in with input on the draft Texas plan during the public comment period last month. The plan saw some changes prior to submission to ED, but is largely similar to the draft plan that received public comment. ESSA provided flexibility to states in terms of using federal money to foster innovative approaches to accountability and assessments, among other areas covered under the law. Texas's plan takes advantage of only some of that flexibility.
More on the final Texas ESSA plan and additional information on ESSA in Texas can be found at TEA's ESSA web page. All states were required to submit final plans to ED this month (both Alabama and Texas received a deadline extension due to timing of hurricanes and hurricane recovery efforts).

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