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New film by "Waiting for Superman" director to air Friday night

Teach the Vote
Teach the Vote

Date Posted: 9/04/2013 | Author: Jennifer Mitchell, CAE

The film Waiting for Superman and its depictions of failing public schools sparked a nation-wide discussion on public education. Davis Guggenheim, the director behind the film, is back with a documentary called Teach, which will air at 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 6, on CBS. Teach follows four teachers and their experiences in the classroom. According to Guggenheim, Waiting for Superman led many to ask him what should be done to fix the problems depicted in his movie. He says Teach attempts to answer that question by focusing on "the one thing that works, which is great teaching." Some have suggested Teach is Guggenheim's atonement for making public schools look bad. What do you think? Watch the movie and let us know in the comments.


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