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ATPE State President Deann Lee to testify on school safety

Teach the Vote
Teach the Vote

Date Posted: 1/28/2013 | Author: Jennifer Mitchell, CAE

The Senate Education Committee will meet at 2 p.m. today in a joint venture with the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Rural Affairs & Homeland Security to discuss school safety policies and possible improvements in the wake of recent gun violence tragedies. ATPE State President Deann Lee has been invited to be part of a panel of witnesses to appear before the committee and share their expertise. You can watch the hearing live here. ATPE will also be live-tweeting from the hearing. If you haven’t already done so, sign up to follow Teach the Vote on Twitter.

ATPE State President Deann Lee with senior staff prepping for Senate Education Committee hearing
ATPE State President Deann Lee with senior staff prepping for Senate Education Committee hearing


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