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SBOE to hold public hearing on CSCOPE lessons

Teach the Vote
Teach the Vote

Date Posted: 8/29/2013 | Author: Jennifer Mitchell, CAE

The State Board of Education (SBOE) is seeking public input on the CSCOPE social studies lesson plans. The board will hold a public hearing Friday, Sept. 13, to hear public testimony from anyone who wishes to attend. Testimony will be limited to 3 minutes and testifiers are asked to focus solely on specific recommendations pertaining to identified current CSCOPE social studies lessons as they appear at either www.mycscope.us or www.texastribune.org/interactive/search-cscope-lesson-plans. Those wishing to testify can register here Sept. 3–6, and Sept. 9. Written testimony may also be submitted. Here is the official notice from the TEA web site.


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